Providing welders for Korean shipbuilding companies is an important service, especially in the context of the increasing demand for highly skilled welders in Korea. The company “Vietnam International Welder Supplier” is a unit specializing in providing this service, providing workers who have been granted international certificates. Here is an overview of the company’s operations and the benefits they bring:

Vietnamese Welder Working at Hyndai Mipo Shipyard in Korea

1. Demand of the Korean Shipbuilding Market

Vietnamese Trainees Come to Work at a Korean Shipyard

2. The Role of Vietnam International Welders Supplier:


Welder Evaluation Test by Korean Shipbuilding Association – KOSHPIA at the Welding Center of Vietnamese welder recruitment

3. Benefits of Cooperating with Vietnam International Welder Supplier

Skill test supervised by the Korean Shipbuilding Association (Koshipa) – An international supplier of Vietnamese welder human resources

4. Manpower Supply Process

Vietnamese welders enter the country to work at a Korean shipbuilding company

5. Challenges and Solutions:

Vietnamese Welder Sang works at Han Wa Company – An international supplier of Vietnamese welder human resources

The company “Vietnam International Welder Supplier” plays an important role in solving the human resource needs, especially welders, of the Korean shipbuilding industry. With a selection and training process according to strict international standards, they ensure the supply of high quality welders with experience working in shipyards and manufacturing factories, contributing to improving production efficiency and minimizing costs for businesses, ensuring production progress, and enhancing reputation for shipbuilding companies and corporations in Korea.

Contact Vietnam Manpower Supply Agency today to discuss your specific workforce needs and discover the difference that skilled Vietnamese workers make.

Do you want to hire #workers, seasonal workers and long-term workers from Vietnam?

But you don’t know about:

👉 Recruitment process in Vietnam and Europe

👉 Legal form in Vietnam

👉 Where to find suitable candidates
👉 Address of international employers in Vietnam

Please contact #Vietnammanpowersupply for #internationalhiring,

We will support you to do all things.

Tel/Whatsapp: (+84 ) 982 0303 66


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