Due to the need for a shortage of labor force working in the shipbuilding industry in Korea, with figures in 2023 there will be a shortage of about 1,400 workers in the shipbuilding industry, including welders and ship hull assemblers, at Cheonhyang Factory in Busan needs to search and recruit Vietnamese welders to work in Korea. Cheonhyang Factory surveyed many Vietnamese manpower suppliers and recruiters and evaluated Vietnam Manpower Supply as the No. 1 manpower supply contractor for the shipbuilding industry in Vietnam with experience in supplying shipbuilding companies. Han Wa, Hyundai – Mipo, Sam Sung shipyards supply welders to major shipyards in Europe. The two sides signed a negotiation contract to determine the process of recruiting welders and evaluating the skills of welders to work under an E7-3 Visa in Korea.

Signed Cooperation Agreement to Supply Human Resources for the Shipbuilding Industry Between Vietnam Manpower Supply and Korean Shipyard

Capacity of Vietnamese Welder Manpower Supplier

To choose a supplier of highly skilled welders, especially welders in the shipbuilding field, it is required that the Vietnamese manpower supplier must have experience in the supply field for 10 years or more, have A team of international experts in the field of welder training, has a welder training school, has experience in supplying welders to shipyards in Asia and Europe, and is a reputable company in the supply industry. human resources in Vietnam.

  1. Facilities and Team of Welding experts: With the criteria of workers’ skills being number 1, Vietnam Manpower is a pioneering supplier of welder human resources with a system of welder training schools that can train hundreds of candidates for each project and need. Recruitment comes from shipyards in Korea and Europe. With a team of vocational training experts with experience working in large shipyard projects and petrochemical refinery projects in Vietnam, they have expert certificates and welding supervision and welding quality management that are recognized by the experts. Certified by a reputable international testing organization.

Certificate of Welding Industry Training Expert from Vietnam Manpower Supply

2. Applying International Standards and Welding Training Processes:  With high requirements for professional skills as well as Vietnam’s welder training process, Manpower Supply is the first supplier in Vietnam to apply the welder training standards of AWS – D1.1 (American Welder Association). ), EN – 287-1 European standards for training and testing the skills of welders, ISO 9606 international standards for certifying welders, with a strict training process, screening the best candidates to meet Meeting the requirements of Korean shipyards, each Manpower Supply candidate meets the tests from the Korean Shipbuilding Association (Koshipa) with the best quality.

Welding skills training center of Vietnam Manpower Supply

3. Reputation of Welder Supplier Vietnam Manpower: With more than 20 years in the field of international human resource supply in Vietnam, we are the leading supplier of welders in Vietnam for shipbuilding projects in Korea, shipbuilding projects in Europe, supplying welders for foreign countries. oil refinery projects, thermal power projects in the Middle East region with contractors such as SK, Doosan, Hyndai – Mipo, Hanwa, Sam Sung, Vietnam Manpower is a top rated human resource supplier in Vietnam certified Created by the Vietnam Association of Manpower Supply (VAWAS), it annually evaluates the reputation and capacity of manpower supply businesses in Vietnam.

4. Compliance: Ensure that the agency complies with Vietnamese law and is a human resource supplier licensed by the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor in the field of human resource supply. This means they must be a member of the Vietnam Association of Manpower Supply (VAMAS) and comply with the Code of Conduct for Recruitment Agencies in Vietnam (CoC-VN).

5. Services: We are a professional recruiter of welders in the shipbuilding industry. Vietnam Manpower provides welder supply services with globally recognized welding certificates for Korean shipyards, Welder human resource rental service in Vietnam.

Process of Recruiting and Supplying Manpower for Shipyards.

After the shipyard has carefully researched and evaluated the capabilities of Vietnam Manpower Supply’s welder recruiter and the supplier’s competency requirements, Cheonhyang shipyard will proceed with the recruitment and onboarding processes. accepting Vietnamese welders to work in Korea.

Shipyard Expert Interviews Fcaw Welder

Representatives of the Korean Shipbuilding Association directly test welder skills at Vietnam Manpower’s welder training center.

Experts from Korean shipyards guide Vietnamese workers at the Vietnam Manpower Center

Vietnamese Welder Enters Immigration At Busan Airport, Korea.

Results of Vietnam Manpower

The owner of Cheonhyang shipyard is very satisfied after recruiting 20 highly skilled and experienced welders from Vietnam Manpower, the result of the reputable and trustworthy cooperation of human resource suppliers and recruiters from Vietnam. With the process of evaluating the legal capacity and recruitment capacity of the Vietnamese welder manpower supplier, it is very professional. With that experience and capacity, Vietnam Manpower Supply is looking forward to cooperating with companies and shipyards in Korea and Europe with the best 3G and 6G Welders who have achieved skill certificates from reputable companies. inspection and certification associations such as AWS, ABS, DNV, Lloyd…

Do you want to hire #workers, seasonal workers and long-term workers from Vietnam?

But you don’t know about:

👉 Recruitment process in Vietnam and Europe

👉 Legal form in Vietnam

👉 Where to find suitable candidates
👉 Address of international employers in Vietnam

Please contact #Vietnammanpowersupply for #internationalhiring,

We will support you to do all things.

Tel/Whatsapp: (+84 ) 982 0303 66

Web: vnmanpower.net
Email: namnq.vtc@gmail.com

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