
Vietnam Manpower Supply Center is a professional unit in finding and recruiting human resources for companies and businesses. With more than 20 years of experience in the field of labor supply, finding workers with technical skills and expertise, Vietnam Manpower Supply Center has provided more than 32 thousand workers to regions such as Europe, Asia, Australia, and America with industries such as: Supplying human resources for the construction industry, supplying human resources for the agricultural industry, supplying human resources for the shipbuilding industry, Providing human resources for the structural construction and machining industries. creating and supplying workers in factories, supplying workers for the garment industry, supplying workers for the food processing industry. With the goal of becoming a bridge between employers and employees, the center plays an important role in developing high-quality human resources in Vietnam to supply to markets in countries in Europe, Asia, and Europe. America.


Manpower Supply Services:

Manpower supply service is a service to find labor, find high quality workers, and find senior personnel. Leasing workers, hiring long-term and short-term labor for companies and businesses that need to recruit human resources is the most prestigious human resources search channel in Vietnam.

1. Senior Personnel Recruitment:

2. General Labor Recruitment:

3. Human Resources Training and Development:

5. International Visa Support:

6. Labor rental and supply:



Human Resources Recruitment Process

The international human resources recruitment process helps the employer be the recipient throughout the terms, job description, labor contract, recruitment time, paperwork time, and licensing time. labor, how to pay visa for each type of labor and each country has different requirements for visa procedures.

  1. Requirement accepted:Determine the recruitment needs of the business in terms of quantity, location, specific requirements for job descriptions, especially information about basic salary, travel conditions, accommodation, welfare and working hours. recruitment period, recruitment form; Face-to-face interviews, Online interviews, or sending CVs, recording videos, and receiving information must be stamped on the recruitment letter by the employer who wants to recruit workers.
  2. Signing a recruitment and labor supply contract:  Employers or companies and businesses that want to sign a Vietnamese labor supply contract need to provide a Demand letter, a labor supply contract, and a power of attorney for the Vietnamese labor supply company to recruit. labor contract (clearly stating the salary, rights, and obligations of the employee), business registration certificate of the employer or employing company. After having the documents, Vietnam Manpower Supply plans to recruit and submit to the management agency, the Ministry of Labor of Vietnam, to grant legal permission for Vietnamese labor recruitment agents to work in Europe. Americas.
  3. Search Candidates: Vietnam Manpower Supply Center Use diverse recruitment channels such as recruitment websites, social networks, recruitment events, office systems to receive candidate applications in 64 Vietnamese cities, work with job introduction centers in 64 provinces and cities in Vietnam and candidate data systems of employment service centers and recruitment applications in Vietnam.
  4. Screening and Interview: Screen candidate profiles based on the criteria, position, gender, age of the candidate that each business requires in the labor supply contract with Vietnam Manpower Supply Center. We organize preliminary interviews and Evaluate skills, languages, and experience to select CVs that represent the best candidates for employers.
  5. Candidate Introduction: Recommend the most suitable candidates for businesses and employers, set time for labor and human resource interviews using many methods such as sending CVs, direct interviews at Vietnam Manpower Supply Centers so that employers can choose the best and most professional candidates.
  6. Apply for Work Permit and Pay Visa: After the employer selects the best candidate, Manpower Supply Agency will guide the employee’s application as quickly as possible so that the employer can apply for a license for the employee and candidate in accordance with the land’s procedures. countries where Vietnamese workers come to work. After having a work permit for workers to apply for a Visa, the Vietnam Labor Recruitment Agency will guide and train workers for Visa interviews to achieve the best visa results to qualify for entry and work. allowing the employer to proceed according to the work and production schedule that the employer has planned.
Benefits of Using Vietnam Recruitment and Manpower Supply Services

Candidates Who Already Have Visa After Vietnam Manpower Supply Center’s Recruitment Process

Vietnam Manpower Supply Center is committed to providing businesses with comprehensive and effective human resources recruitment solutions. With the professionalism and dedication of Vietnam Manpower Supply’s team, Manpower Supply center is always a reliable partner of companies in developing high quality human resources, a company recognized by the Vietnam Ministry of Labor. Licensed for international recruitment and human resource supply, we meet all factors such as professionalism, legality, long-term experience, and are in the Top 10 most professional, reputable and safe enterprises in Vietnam. Certified by the Vietnam Manpower Supply Association (VAMAS), you should look for a Vietnamese manpower supply center to cooperate and experience the best human resources services.

Please contact #Vietnammanpowersupply for #internationalhiring,

We will support you to do all things.

Tel/Whatsapp: (+84 ) 982 0303 66


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