Romania’s Infra Group energy corporation needs to recruit 6G Welders, Pipe Fitters, Industrial Electricians, and high voltage pole installation workers to work at high voltage power transmission installation projects in Romania. – Infar Group is a leading energy corporation in Bucharest, Romania. Human Resources Director Checks Vietnamese Labor CVs

After learning above about the human resource supplier Vietnam Human Resources Group is the leading human resource supplier in Vietnam with more than 20 years of experience in providing human resources and has sent 32 thousand workers to work in other countries. Japan, Korea, Europe. Especially, it is the leading Vietnamese human resources supplier working in Romania with more than 60 companies that have used Vietnam Human Resources Group’s labor hiring and labor supply services with more than 5,000 Vietnamese workers working. in Romania with industries such as shipbuilding, construction, food processing, agriculture, factories.

Direct Employer 6G Welder Skill Check – Infra Group Energy Recruiter

After Vietnam Human Resources Group negotiated and agreed on salaries, welfare regimes, and benefits for workers with Infra Group Energy Group, a labor recruitment schedule was scheduled and Vietnamese labor skills tested. on June 6, 2024 directly at the vocational testing and training school of Vietnam Human Resources Group.

On June 6, 2024, the Human Resources Director and experts in fields such as welders and electricians of the energy corporation Infra Group came to Vietnam to select the best candidates with skilled experience and certificates. International practitioners came to take the 2-day recruitment exam at Vietnam Human Resources Group’s human resources training center and selected the right number of candidates that Infra Group required in terms of skills, experience, and occupational safety. dynamic.

Infra Group Energy Recruiter – Check Installer Skills of Vietnam Human Resources Group. Infra Group Energy Recruiter – Check Welder Skills Of Vietnam Human Resources Group

With reputation in the field of global human resource supply Vietnam Human Resources Group, Infra Group wishes to cooperate long-term and schedule a recruitment appointment for Welders and Electricians of Vietnam Human Resources Group on August 24, 2024. screening and selection of human resources of Vietnam Human Resources Group. Vietnam Human Resources Group With more than 20 years in the field of global human resources supply, Vietnam Human Resources Group provides the best skilled labor services, well-trained with a training management system according to ISO and European standards. . Vietnam Human Resources Group is a human resource supplier for corporate companies in the fields of shipbuilding, mechanical processing, thermal power plant construction, oil and gas project construction, and companies that need talented human resources. quantity. In 2023, Vietnam Human Resources Group has provided shipbuilding corporations Hyundai – Mipo, Hanwa, Sam Sung Korea with 400 hundred welders and fitters in the shipbuilding industry. For companies in Europe, Vietnam Human Resources Group has provided 200 welders and ship hull assemblers for Spawrem – Poland, Vard – Romania, SNC shipbuilding – ROmania. When you need to recruit welders or find welders, please contact Vietnam Human Resources Group, which is the leading supplier of welders and labor in Vietnam.

Do you want to hire #workers, seasonal workers and long-term workers from Vietnam?

But you don’t know about:

👉 Recruitment process in Vietnam and Europe

👉 Legal form in Vietnam

👉 Where to find suitable candidates

👉 Address of international employers in Vietnam

Please contact #Vietnammanpowersupply for #internationalhiring,

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