When hiring Vietnamese workers to work at your company in Europe, there are a number of important factors that you need to consider and understand to ensure the recruitment and screening process of workers meets your requirements. of the owner to make work go smoothly. Below are the main points you need to keep in mind when companies from Europe need to find workers or seek labor from Vietnam:

Vietnam Manpower Supply VXT GROUP

1. Legal regulations and visas:

Check and filter labor from Vietnam Manpower Supply

2. Recruitment and Screening of Labor:

Vietnam Manpower Supply interviews and screens workers’ skills before being interviewed by employers

3. Working conditions and contract:

4. Culture and language of the workplace:

5. Labor support and management:

6. Legal and tax responsibilities of the employer:

Language training and cultural orientation training for Vietnamese workers working – Vietnam Manpower Supply

7. Family support (if needed):

8. Logistical and resettlement support:

Vietnamese employers should provide logistical support to Vietnamese workers moving to Europe, such as assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation and settlement services (if during their employment). of workers long enough and legally eligible for settlement). This can help reduce the stress associated with moving to a new country.

Hiring Vietnamese workers to work in Europe requires careful preparation and compliance with legal regulations. By mastering and implementing the above factors, you can ensure an effective recruitment and working process, contributing to building a positive and sustainable working environment.

Do you want to hire #workers, seasonal workers and long-term workers from Vietnam?

But you don’t know about:

👉 Recruitment process in Vietnam and Europe

👉 Legal form in Vietnam

👉 Where to find suitable candidates
👉 Address of international employers in Vietnam

Please contact #Vietnammanpowersupply for #internationalhiring, 

We will support you to do all things.

Tel/Whatsapp: (+84 ) 982 0303 66

Web: vnmanpower.net
Email: vice.general@vxt.vn

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