Rekrutierung vietnamesischer Arbeitskräfte: Internationale Rekrutierungslösung

Rekrutierung vietnamesischer Arbeitskräfte: Internationale Rekrutierungslösung Die Rekrutierung vietnamesischer Arbeitskräfte ist eine führende Lösung für die globale Arbeitskräfteversorgung mit qualifizierten und professionellen Fachkräften. Vietnamesische Arbeitsvermittlungslösung für den Arbeitskräftemangel in Europa Einführung in die Kompetenz vietnamesischer Arbeitsvermittler Vietnam ist eines der Länder mit einer reichlichen, qualitativ hochwertigen und internationalen Standards entsprechenden Arbeitskraft. Laut der vietnamesischen Statistikbehörde betrug […]
Hiring Vietnamese talent is a strategic move of European businesses

🌍 Hiring Vietnamese talent is a strategic move for European businesses for the following reasons 🇻🇳🤝🇪🇺 In today’s global economy, finding skilled, dedicated and cost-effective talent is key to business success, The fact that European businesses actively recruit Vietnamese talent is a strategic move that brings many benefits to both sides.🌱 Vietnamese workers are trained […]
Vietnam Manpower- Ldeal Partner For Labor Supply For The Food Processing Industry In Spain

The food processing industry in Spain plays an important role in the country’s economy. With a large area of agricultural land and rich natural raw materials, Spain has built a diverse and developed food processing industry. In that context, Vietnam has become an ideal partner for labor supply in the food processing industry in Spain. […]
Sweden: Learn About Vietnamese Labor Supply In Factories

Sweden is a developed country with a strong economy and diverse industry. To meet the labor needs in its factories and businesses, Sweden has sought out labor supply partners like Vietnam. The supply of Vietnamese labor has brought many benefits to Sweden in increasing production and developing industry. Vietnam has an abundant and young workforce […]
Providing human resources to work in Romania

In the early days of 2024, Vietnam Manpower Supply Company signed a contract to supply 100 construction workers, Welders, and Mechanics to work at Concelex Romania Company. With the start of 2024, construction contractors in the Romanian market need to provide thousands of highly skilled workers to work at Romanian construction companies. Workers prepare to […]
Denmark: Vietnamese Labor Supply and Agricultural Development

Denmark, with its diverse terrain and temperate climate, is a country famous for its developed agriculture industry. However, to meet the labor needs in this industry, Denmark has paid attention and sought labor supply partners, including Vietnam. The supply of Vietnamese labor has brought many benefits to Denmark in developing the agricultural industry. What are […]
Ireland: Benefits of Vietnamese Labor Supply In The Welder Industry

The Welder industry plays an important role in Ireland’s economic development. With the growth and expansion of manufacturing and construction companies, the need for highly qualified and specialized labor is increasing. In this context, Vietnamese labor supply has become an ideal partner, bringing many significant benefits to the Welder industry in Ireland. In this article, […]
Vietnamese labor supply and the development of Iceland’s Mechanical industry

Iceland, a small country located in the North Atlantic region, has had significant development in the mechanical engineering industry. This creates an ever-increasing demand for highly qualified and specialized labor. In that context, Vietnamese labor supply has become a reliable partner, contributing to the development and success of Iceland’s mechanical industry. In this article, we […]
Why should the UK choose to supply Vietnamese labor for the Construction industry?

The construction industry is one of the most important industries in the UK, contributing to the country’s economic and infrastructure development. However, like many other countries in the world, the UK is facing a labor shortage in the construction industry. To solve this problem, Vietnamese labor supply has become a useful solution. In this article, […]
Meet Canada’s Labor Needs Through Vietnamese Labor Supply

Canada is a country with a developed economy and diverse labor supply. However, with the development and expansion of industries, Canada is facing a labor shortage in many fields. To solve this problem, Vietnamese labor supply has become a useful solution. In this article, we will learn about how Vietnam’s labor supply meets Canada’s labor […]