After negotiating and discussing a labor supply contract with JWSTEEL CONSTRUCTION Company, VXTMANPOWER Group has come to sign a contract to supply human resources for JWSTEEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY – to work in POLAND, BELGIUM. The two sides discussed requirements of skill level, basic salary, welfare regime for VXTMANPOWER to provide skilled welders for JWSTEEL CONSTRUCTION Company working in Poland – Belgium. July 28, 2019, the owner of JWSTEEL CONSTRUCTION Co., Ltd. came to directly examine and recruit welders and the owner requested to get 40 3G welders (PF) and 20 pipe assemblers.

On the first recruitment day of September 28, 2019, under VXTMAPOWER Group had 170 candidates to take the skills test by the direct employer in accordance with standard ISO 9060-1, EN287
The candidates’ work-pieces for 3G welding testing
The employer reviews and scores each employee’s test
The employer is interviewing about the pipe fitter drawing reading skill

After two days of recruitment from 28-29 / 07/2019, the owner of JWSTEEL CONSTRUCTION Company has selected 48 welders and 28 workers. It was an unexpected result and the employer highly appreciated the skill of workers from VXTMANPOWER Group. The owner of JWSTEEL CONSTRUCTION Company thanks the employees who participated in the interview. The employer expects from 2-3 months to complete the procedures for workers to go to Poland – Belgium to work


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