Supply of high-quality labor to Canada: Finding international resources

The labor market in Canada is facing a serious problem – a shortage of workers. According to a report by the Economic Forecasting Council of Canada, Canada’s labor participation rate will decrease from 64.9% in 2020 to 61.4% in 2030 due to an aging population. To solve this problem, Canada is looking for an external […]

Professional labor supply solutions for foreign factories

In the era of globalization and economic development, foreign factories are looking for solutions to meet the needs of efficient and professional labor supply to ensure that they have enough quality human resources to meet their production needs. However, finding, recruiting and managing human resources is a very complex and expensive process. Therefore, providing professional […]

The infrastructure construction industry in Hungary: why should you hire Vietnamese workers?

In recent years, Hungary has become an attractive destination for foreign investors, especially in infrastructure construction. However, the lack of human resources has made it difficult for many businesses to implement construction projects. Therefore, recruiting Vietnamese workers has become an effective solution to help companies deal with this shortage of human resources. In this article, […]

Discover the process of supplying skilled tailors for Japanese companies

Many Japanese companies are facing a shortage of human resources in the garment industry. With the goal of expanding production and accessing new markets, the company is looking for a solution to supply a team of skilled tailors. In this article, we will learn about the process of supplying skilled tailors for a Japanese company. […]

Supplying Manpower to Work in Lithuania – Manpower Solutions

Manpower Supply evaluates the market growth and lack of human resources in Lit and solutions to supply human resources from Vietnam Manpower Supply Economic and Employment Overview With a total GDP of 78.95 billion USD, equivalent to 26,700 USD per capita in 2014, Lithuania has the largest economy of the Baltic countries. Although Lithuania was […]

Supply of mechanical labor – Solution to the problem of shortage of manpower in Australia

In recent years, Australia’s mechanical industry is developing strongly and making a significant contribution to the country’s economy. However, for businesses in this industry, the lack of human resources is still a big challenge. Therefore, supplying mechanical labor from Vietnam is becoming an effective solution to this problem. This article will present the supply of […]

Supply of construction manpower for contractors in Australia

Construction effort is one of the important issues that construction contractors in Australia are facing. With the development of the construction industry and the growth of the Australian economy, finding and hiring high-quality workers has become more difficult than ever. However, with the support of professional manpower supply companies, construction contractors in Australia can still […]

Vietnam Manpower Supplier: The leading supplier of laborers working abroad

Labor export is a growing field in Vietnam in recent years, and is more and more interested by many businesses. Among them, Vietnam Manpower Supplier is considered as the leading supplier of labor to work abroad in Vietnam. So why is that? In this article, we will review the reasons why foreign businesses should choose […]

Supply of human resources to work in Poland

SHORTAGE OCCUPATIONS IN POLAND 2023 The Polshi economy has been expanding recently, and the local Labour market is increasingly in need of foreign workers. Only based on the statistics Provided by Poland’s Ministry of Foreign  Affairs, up to 2 million Ukrainians are employed there now, primarily in the service industry, construction, and agriculture. Also, some […]